Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mama-Fail and Mama-musings

So now that I feel some accountability to people who read my blog, I must admit that Easter Sunday, Easter Monday and well, I guess I could count today as Easter Tuesday have been cheat days. I have been pretty good leading up to the holidays, but as celebratory dinner, followed by breakfast, lunch... well, you get the point... So while I do not want to classify it as a "Fail", I have not been en pointe. I have to remember, that holidays are not an excuse for over-eating or for not losing weight! Today we had a Filipino pot luck at work, thus the reason I have been trying out recipes at home. I had a big lunch today, followed by a Starbucks treat so for dinner tonight, I am going for a walk and then having some veggies and fruit.

I feel like I have a deadline. We will be going to the beach a lot this summer and want to wear my fun summer clothes. Now that the goal is in focus, I hope that it drives me more!

We were enjoying the weather this weekend. My 5-year old son got his training wheels taken off and my two and half year old learned to pedal. I was teaching her the finer points of steering her bike and we had this conversation:

ME: You need to point your wheels to where you want to go.
DD(Darling Daughter): But Mama, the bike is telling me where to go!
ME: Sweetie, you have to tell the bike where to go.
She looks down at her bike and says in an authoritative tone: "Bike, go that way!"
Then she looks up at me with her big brown eyes and says,
"Mama, my bike has no mouth! It can't talk back!"

Precious moments like these, I wish I could freeze time!

1 comment:

  1. Bike, go that way :) Your daughter is hilarious!

    Good for you for making an effort at a healthier lifestyle. Every improvement, big or small, still puts you ahead of where you were.
