Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Busy life... busy wife!!!

Yes! I realize that the blog is called "No Excuses" so I don't really have any to offer as to why I have neglected blogging for almost two weeks now! The school year is winding down and I am looking forward to summer vacation! Woohoo!!! Along with that I am excited for more family time and "me" time.

In an attempt to keep moving, I have been running around with my students at school. There is this game they like to play called "grounders" and they asked me to play along with them. Normally, I stand on the sidelines and supervise their activities outdoors. Some times they come to me to chat with me, but usually they go about playing their games until I call them in. I was glad they wanted to include me so I asked them to tell me the rules so I could play along. They had these convoluted rules and I tried to keep up. One of them was if you are "it", which I became at one point, you have to keep your eyes closed... even when you are on the "big toy" (aka the play structure"). I had a fun time and was glad when my cool points went up a few notches! Next up I will play tag!!!

Last weekend, we enjoyed the glorious weather by going to White Rock and taking a walk before dinner. It was a fun stroll, but I think the dinner at Uli's afterwards negated any calories burned off... and then some!

The new goal now is to add more vegetables to every meal. So that makes TWO goals:

1. Keep moving, at least a half hour activity daily.
2. Add MORE veggies to every meal.

Now for my mommy-ism...
Last weekend, my son says to me, "Mom, I know it's not Mother's Day any more, but you and I can still celebrate it every day!" and then gives me a kiss... he sure knows how to sweet talk his mom!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Recipe

There has been not a lot of movement in the weight loss department, however, I have been moving more and enjoying it. Also I have found a new salad recipe so I will share that. It's great now that the weather is warm! Yay!

Spinach Salad
-young spinach leaves
-cherry tomatoes cut in half
-yellow peppers
-kalamata olives
-Greek salad dressing

Cut the veggies chunky. Toss all together and add dressing. YUM! (You can also add pumpkin seeds or grilled chicken).

Enjoy and get moving!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another thing to keep me motivated

So the food thing has not been on track as I wanted... BUT my co-workers and I have a "get moving" plan. I got moving yesterday by walking/slow jog for 20 minutes. Tomorrow, I have to get move again for at least 20 minutes. The plan is to do something at least 3 times a week. (Like Charlotte Diamond says... 4 hugs a day is the minimum, well moving 3 times a week is the minimum not the maximum).

On Saturday, we stocked up at Two EE's with lots of fruits and veggies. I have been trying to eat one more veggie and fruit each day. My favourite fruit is mango so I've been eating that. YUM! but the sugar content is a bit high. Tomorrow's choice will be orange and broccoli. Obviously, not together.

I've been having fun looking at recipes and pinning them on Pinterest. The one recipe I used was Breakfast Pasta. I used some leftover pasta with cheese sauce and added ham, scrambled eggs and green onion. The kids gulped it down. I enjoyed the taste that I had, but refrained from eating a whole bowl. Next time I will toss more veggies in it.

I will blog some healthier recipes next time after trying some more!